Friday, 11 March 2016

Giant food collages, John Neito inspired art and a traditional Roman recipe!

This week the Rabbits have created their very own giant collages using healthy foods!  That's not the only food-related thing they have been doing.  After working on their cooking skills, the children made a sandwich completely independently!  *Bread experiment update!*  Look at what the bread that has been touched is doing now...

The Dragonflies have been getting arty this week!  After looking at the beautiful artwork created by the artist John Neito, the Dragonflies created their own piece in the style of his work.  They worked carefully to choose colours that they thought blended well together.  The Dragonflies are also getting excited about performing the Easter assembly with the year 2s.

The Otters have been getting to grips with fractions in Numeracy, and in their cooking they used a traditional Roman recipe to make Libum cheesecake.

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