The Rabbits have been very lucky this week! Their new topic is “Pets,” Mrs Worral brought
in her Guinea pigs! The children loved
it and are looking forward to another furry friend coming to visit next week. As part of their topic the children have
started to read “My best friend, Bob” by Georgie Ripper.

The Dragonflies have made an enthusiastic start to the new summer
term. Their new topic is “Richard III,”
this week they have started looking at bones.
The children were lucky enough to enjoy the sunshine in their PE lesson
by joining year 3 and Mrs Kirby on the field to play Rounders. The children displayed excellent team work
skills and enjoyed learning the rules.
In Literacy the Dragonflies are learning about adventure stories and
they are reading “Flat Stanley” by Jeff Brown.
The Otters have started their new topic “Marvellous
Materials,” in cooking the children made Lassi and in Literacy they have
started their author focus on Martin Waddell.
They have been enjoying reading his books and have even found some in
our classroom!
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