Friday, 22 May 2015

Beautiful butterflies and marvelous music!

The Rabbits have enjoyed their final week at looking at things grow by exploring the life cycle of the Butterfly!  They have made beautiful mobiles showing the amazing transformation from a caterpillar to glorious Butterflies!  But that’s not all, the children have been imagining what a Butterfly is feeling and thinking whilst going through this process.  
What an exciting week!

Speaking of Caterpillars…The Dragonflies and Otters spent the day together to complete activities based on the fantastic book “The very hungry caterpillar.”  The children loved the beautiful artwork and this inspired them to get creative!  They made collages, finger painting, Butterfly symmetry and salt dough characters.  As ever, the children worked brilliantly as a team and a lovely day was had by all! 

On Thursday we were fortunate enough to have musical visitors!  The Orchestra from Manor came to Brookside and played a range of different songs, some familiar and some a little bit older.  The children certainly enjoyed the performance as they are now feeling very musical!

A huge thank you to everyone who has donated items for the June fair, your support is greatly appreciated.

Friday, 15 May 2015

Life cycles, Richard III and chocolate cake!

The Rabbits have been learning about Butterflies and have made a 3D life cycle showing the amazing transformation!  The grass heads are looking luscious, this is Miss Dixon's, it's looking good but let's check back next week to see if any of the grass heads have caught up with her impressive hair!

The Dragonflies have made a start on their Richard III sculptures!  They have layered their balloon with paper, can you see much resemblance yet?  

The Otters made a superb chocolate cake, it looked wonderful!  They have continued to explore magical materials, and have made their own collages using a variety of different textures.


Friday, 8 May 2015

Happy Lunchtimes!

The Rabbits have been reading the “Enormous Turnip” and to mark the occasion they made some delicious turnip soup.  In Numeracy the children have been working on the topic of “Time” and to continue their theme of plants that grow, they have started a Science investigation looking at cress.  The children have been making predictions and over the next week they will be able to see if their predictions were correct! 

The dragonflies have started to look at the 5 senses and how they can use them to improve their writing and make it more exciting!  In their topic lessons they have been learning about Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores.  The children explored the diets of animals and then classified them accordingly.  In Numeracy the dragonflies have been learning about capacity and today they start their investigation!  More pictures to come next week…

The Otters have played an active role in Brookside life this week!  On Wednesday, we met Steve from “Happy Lunchtimes.”  He came to see us to share his lunchtime wisdom and to help make playtime even more fun!  All the classes completed a questionnaire and the answers that the children gave were discussed with Steve and the members of the School council.  The Riverbank School Council representative is in the Otters, and she had plenty to feedback from her class.  At lunchtime the children went outside and had tremendous fun dancing and singing to music, using chalk to create a trail and playing fun games.

Friday, 1 May 2015

Sprouting heads, a trip to ancient Egypt and exciting investigations!

This week the Rabbits have started their new topic about plants that grow.  The children have made their very own grass heads; they might look a bit different in a few days!  To help develop your child’s understanding of plants, why not go on a nature walk and explore the environment.

The Dragonflies have had a very exciting week; they have been on a trip to New Walk Museum! 

The children joined year 3 and were lucky enough to have a special Egyptian workshop where they handled ancient artifacts, dressed up in Egyptian clothes, used Egyptian tools and even got to see 3 real-life Mummies!  That wasn't all, after their Egyptian adventure, the Dragonflies explored the rest of the Museum and enjoyed looking at the Dinosaurs, beautiful paintings, animals around the world and Richard III’s very own book!  The children were impeccably behaved and a brilliant day was had by all.

The Otters have been putting on their lab coats and have turned into Scientists this week!  They have been mixing liquids and solids to see if they explode.  As part of their ‘Delicious desserts’ topic in cooking they have made pineapple upside down cake.

We hope you have a lovely bank holiday weekend, fingers crossed the sun is shining!