Anti-bullying week
Every year the Anti-Bullying Alliance coordinate national
Anti-Bullying Week; a week where children and young people, schools, parents
and carers come together with one aim: to stop bullying for all. At Brookside we have been learning about how
to stop bullying and what to do if we ever became victims ourselves. Riverbank children have been making excellent
contributions throughout the week.
The Rabbits have moved on from Goldilocks and the three
bears, to the Three little pigs! If you
thought the masks looked good last week, then you have to see these! Well done Rabbits!
The Dragonflies have been exploring punctuation, in
particular exclamation marks and speech marks.
The children were finding them whilst they were reading the Gingerbread
man. The Dragonflies have an excellent
eye for detail; there wasn’t a single exclamation mark or speech mark that the
children didn’t find! To reward their hard
effort, they made some of their own gingerbread men, women and stars! They aren’t decorated yet, but they look and
smell delicious!

The Otters have been busy reading Cops and Robbers by Janet
and Allan Ahlberg. The children have
been listening wonderfully and have been answering questions about what they
have read. Good work Otters!